Ascension & Cycles
The promise of Ascension is the hidden heritage and legacy of the human condition, the fulfillment of humanity's evolutionary blueprint.
The Freedom Teachings teach that the process of “Ascension” takes place through the organic structures of the “Interdimensional Universal Star-Gate System,” which is referred to as the “Universal Templar.”
The Freedom Teachings teach that “Ascension” happens via the organic process of Atomic Transfiguration, through which a being is enabled to biologically engage natural multidimensional spiritual evolution back into wholeness, freedom and eternal-life expression.
Through the process of atomic Transfiguration — which involves very specific structures and processes inherent to the laws of multidimensional physics as they apply to human bio-spiritual anatomy — a human being can experience “Ascension Passage” into ever-greater states of multidimensional bio-spiritual evolution.
Ascension is not some lofty spiritual concept design by the minds of man, it is a literal, tangible scientific process of the evolution of consciousness and biology within the laws of energy mechanics that apply to a multidimensional reality system.
You can go about your human lives, with your consciousness confined to the limitations presently imposed by your physical body, or you can learn the mechanics by which those limitations can be released, and begin to experience the reality of freedom that is the comprehension of yourself-as-soul.
Whether or not you view ascension and multidimensional evolution as a reality while you are alive on Earth, you will be directly-faced with that reality once your consciousness has passed out of physical life and into the multidimensional framework.
At the death of your physical body you will discover that your consciousness lives on and your evolution continues. All souls will eventually evolve and ascend through the 15-dimensional scale, to re-emerge as sentient identity within the realms of pure consciousness beyond the dimensional systems. (See: Time Matrix and Dimension) Immortality, freedom from death, disease and pain are the natural birthrights of your species.
This is a personal responsibility, and although Guardians from HU-2 (Harmonic Universe-2) can assist in this process, the ultimate success of DNA building lies in the hands of the embodied consciousness who directs this process by the way in which personal energy is used and applied.
The process of Ascension is simply going "up", going up the dimensional scale by raising the particle pulsation rhythm of your body. It's a holy concept because that is what the concept of Spiritual Evolution really is about. As you do this you pull in more At-one-ment with your God/Source.
So Ascension is a religious concept and a scientific concept all at once. The process of Dimensional Ascension and biological and planetary Evolution is the process of accretion or of drawing in successive multidimensional frequency bands into the morphogenetic field. As the planetary body or human body evolves through frequency accretion, the energetic capsules within the Auric Field progressively undergo transmutation of form.
Ascension Cycles
A set of evolutionary cycles in which the personal Shields and Merkaba Fields progressively heal until the Christiac Divine Blueprint, Christiac Merkabic Circulatory System and Christos God-Spark Seed Atom are fully restored to their original form. Following the successful completion of the Ascension Cycle, the being returns to its organic Christiac Status and reenters the natural Eternal Life Cycles of Co-Creative Christed Mastery from which it originally fell.
(Eiago) - Natural Cycle every 26.556 anos
Two opportunities for ascension within 12 Cycles of 2.213 years
2000 (1st time 200.000 years) D12 Frequency avaible to the Planet ( Christos Maharata Current)
[if ppt][endif]12/21/2012 to 2022 open of Interdimensional Portals
[if ppt][endif]12/21/2012 – 5th DNA Strand Activation Available
[if ppt][endif]12/21/2012 – Opening of the Halls of Amenti.
11/17/2017 - Completion opening Halls of Amenti
3 Paths / 3 Destiny's:
1. Minimum of 5th DNA Strand Activation
- Interdimensional Passage to TARA (HU2).
- Transportation to Tara (HU2)
2. Minimum of 4th DNA Strand Activation .
- Natural Death - Reborn in Tara (HU2) (New Body)
3. Those that do not activate a minimum of 4th DNA Strand.
- Natural Death - reborn again in Terra (HU1), to do the same learning within the new Eiago (26556 years of