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Shamanic Journey Brazil Oct 24 - Nov 02 2014

At the "Pleiades", the Pleiadian institute in Brazil, we organize a life changing 10 day journey into Shamanism.

To quote Einstein, considered to be among the greatest of modern Shaman, “All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.” One of the most beautiful aspects of shamanism is that it is a true spiritual and scientific democracy, an understanding that everything is one, and of humankind’s kinship to all other life forms. We are each other, we are all existence, we are all our collective thoughts, intentions and actions, we ourselves are the collective, feeling, seeing, blinking universe. It is that universe that provides us with beauty and providence beyond all measure. Everything is ‘God’ and when you can accept this as your own truth you will feel happier or in bliss. It is possible to see, feel and touch divinity in everything around us and in yourself.

This experience has been created as a part of our life mission to support you in your expansion of consciousness.

During 10 days of ceremonies, rituals, lectures, activities, connection with yourself, nature and cosmic energies you will be guided and supported by our extraordinary host Eduardo Chianca Rocha (scientist, shaman, founder Frequencies Of Light, former IBM executive) and his special guests (wisdom keepers - shamans from South America). All in beautiful nature - Indian reservation forest, in Aldeia just 30 km from Recife Brazil.

In the journey into shamanism Eduardo will lead ceremonies, next to other rituals, with the holy medicine plant “Ayahuaska” to support your ascension, to support you intentions, to help you to find or confirm your life mission, and mostly to connect with your higher self - your natural state of being – the embodiment of your higher self. All in very safe intimate but natural space created specially for individuals to grow, a vortex healing center that was instructed by the Pleiadians on how and where to build it. A very special place indeed! This event will be limited to group around 20 people from all around the world, who are feeling ready to make a significant step in their development.

Eduardo teachings are very profound based on science (quantum physics), shamanism (ancient wisdom), experience from working around the world giving seminars, lectures and therapies, medicine plant ceremonies, etc. And get in his work support from the 4D astral plane existing Cherokees and 5/6/7D light beings called the Pleiadians. Of course it will be not just working on yourself and improvement but there is scheduled hours each day where you can relax – do yoga, deep meditations, dance & music, swim at the beach, nature walks and get to together bonfires.

There will be an option, for those who are wanting to become a full certified Frequencies Of Light instructor, a full 10 days intensive training from level 1 to level 5, so you can give seminars, lectures and workshops to others and help the world and its people further. Contact us for further details if you are feeling that this is for you!

The journey will take us:

* Inside Indian reservation forest

* Shamanic rituals

* Medicine plant ceremonies

* Workshops & seminars

* Yoga & meditation

* Cleansing body & soul

* Sound & dance healing

* Vortex healing center

* Near sea & beach

* 10 houses for 2 & 4 people

* And more!

Prizing including, 10 nights in comfortable 2 or 4 person house, breakfast, lunch & dinner and all rituals ceremonies workshops meditation yoga and anything we have mentioned before!

900,- Euro

(This is excluding flight, which can be booked by us or we can help you find the cheapest ticket possible, we choose specially this dates for the journey since ticket rates are low in this period. Also by confirming booking you will need only pay 200,- euro, the rest can be paid upon arrival as this gives you some breath to spread payments.)

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