Guided Meditations & Activation Journeys
Tailered specially with activations and frequencies, best to read descriptions before use.
Kryst Code Activation (new codes & energies)
New upgraded Kryst Code Activation!
Intentions are: Creating Infinite Love, Peace, Balance, Health, Connectedness, Care, Wellbeing, Security, Durability, Abundance, Purity, Joy, Integrity and Cooperation in Freedom and Real Truth, and So We All Be One and Back To our Original Blueprint and Source. We can remind all of the reality it is perfect, harmonious and loved. Ready to step into the original blueprint and source.
Download for free energy encoded images & music at Divine Tools: https://divine.tools/en/divine-life-and-health/kryst-code/
Purification - Energy Clearing Meditation
An encoded, energized & amplified audio journey, specifically designed for purifying yourself from past unintended creations and the identities we created from it, and which are still limiting us. Collective and individual karmic imprints and shadow persona’s, so we stop feeding on the outer world and can reach the unlimited supply of energy within us. Clearing thought programs and seals stopping from you from seeing who you truly are. This purification audio journey also aligns your energy centers, also called axial tonal lines, with your Solar Star Self (Solar Star). All that needs to happen is to let go of all that we are not, so that which you are truly, can arise naturally. Specific codes from the Primal Rays of Creation are encoded within the music, together with the music created by Art I Am, facilitating this purification journey.
Complete Health - Healing Audio
This Complete Health Quantum Audio Journey contains all high energy superfoods, antioxidants, Divine Codes, Seals Removal, and energetic body, mind & spirit health-supporting quantum signatures.
This is a gift from us to you, so that you may become in your own authenticity, that your birth-right of pure health and love be manifested.
Click on Read More button and download the full high quality wav audio file for free! Much more effective and powerful compared to streaming!
Peaceful Audio Journey - Peace Encoded
This code from the Primal Rays of Creation, the field from which everything emerges, is a living multidimensional code. Here is the basic geometry, but when seen in all its aspects, it is a moving fractal, breathing living consciousness. This code is especially to be a peace with oneself and the world. When peace prevails, judgment drops, life begins to bloom. This code has a very calming effect and body, mind and spirit. From calmness, we can see clearly.
Best is to read more through the read more button on how to use it.
Aura Clearing - 10 minutes quick clearing
The video here is the 10 minutes short version for smaller clearings. The program includes four tracks:
– One 10 minutes long track For the minor clearings.
– Two +/- 30 minutes long tracks, both tracks are for a deep clearings
– One 30 minutes Integration track, use this in the days you aren’t using the clearing music.
Best is to read the full manual on my Divine Tools site
Higher Self Activation
You are invited on a journey to your authentic self, guided by a 47 minutes soundscape and divine codes from the Primal Rays of Creation, which are embedded within the music. A deep loving soul journey, supporting the embodiment of your multidimensional self, also referred to as Higher Self.
Helping you to dive deeper into your innermost being. Realizing, that we are eternal, light beings, having this wonderful experience we call life. Try to feel the sounds, and the energies encoded within, with your whole body, let yourself guide you to where you want to go, experience all that you are experiencing, be the observer in this adventurous soundscape. Learn how to innerstand your Higher Self guidance.
I am Eternal, I Am God, I Am Free, The Higher Self that is You.
Anxiety Release - Set Yourself Free
Anxiety is a body’s natural response to stress and past related experiences that activate as soon you receive a trigger. For example, you have been keeping too long certain lifestyles, work, or social behaviors that aren't fitted to you as a person, or a traumatic experience which you have not resolved yet consciously. You may respond to certain things and situations with fear and dread which even sometimes can turn into a full panic attack. You may also experience physical signs of anxiety, such as a pounding heart, sweating, and in worse cases total blackout. You may feel extreme and unrealistic worry and tension, even if there’s nothing to trigger these feelings.
Tree of Life - Kryst Code Activation
What is the Tree of life - Kryst Code? The Kathara grid which is also called the Kryst Code, is the inner tree of life, which is the form holding template and regulates your DNA coding, and this DNA holds what realities you can experience. This grid is connected with the planetary and universal Kathara Grids, so we are truly connected with each and everything. Now this activation means we are setting the distorted inner tree (the false cabala, tree of life, flower of life, metatronic deception) back to the original form holding template, the Kryst Code. This activation supports that you can link back from the host matrix to the original soul Matrix.
Finding Your Star Name Meditation
Beautiful meditation to find your soul name on the highest level of your multidimensional awareness.
This meditation is made specially by Alloya and Eduard Franckena (Energy DJ) to let you connect to your highest part of your self and find your true name which is made out of pure vibrations. The music is 432 hz tuned, is added with quantum techniques and orgonite, crystals & agnihotra energy imprinted white noise, nature sounds and brainwaves.
New Earth Meditation
A meditation to ground yourself with the new energy grids within the earth and stabilize your hologram into the new earth called Gaia.
The music is encoded with high frequencies, subtle energy, sacred coding and energy imprinted white noise. This meditation is to aid you and Gaia in the shift to a New Earth. A lot of chaos right now, it is important to have clear fields and ongoing source downloads, so we can contribute to the new earth Gaia.
Starship Meditation
Guided meditation onboard a starship to meet your multi dimensional guides assisting you in your personal development.
Download starcodes given to you and upgrade your dna and reality. The music is 432 hz tuned, is added with quantum techniques and orgonite, crystals & agnihotra energy imprinted white noise and brainwaves. This meditation will aid in raising your awareness in today's present stellar activation ascension cycle.
Alina's Heart Song
Children and adults will love this short story, created and encoded with pure energy that will ignite your Divine Light on many levels. May you enjoy dancing to the music of your own Heart Song.
Created & narrated by Kaiyann Isa – CosmiqueFocus.net
Produced & energized with Divine Codes – Divine Tools
Illustration artist – Lidy Muijsers
This story is for everyone and its free, share it with anyone you feel will enjoy it and benefit from it.
Golden Liquid Light Meditation
Daily meditation to download golden liquid light into your body. The liquid light is the highest for you to embody at this present moment.
The music is 432 hz tuned, is added with quantum techniques and orgonite, crystals & agnihotra energy imprinted white noise, nature sounds and brainwaves. Activation higher self download is included. The meditation will aid in embracing your multi dimensional self and be inline with your divine mission. Each day you ask, to integrate all that you are here in this body, will infuse you with new cords, new soul templates and new programming from your higher self.
Obsidian Light Meditation - Clearing Archons
Please read the description here. Find more information about the Archons on article page and in this article written by Alloya.
The music is produced by Nykkyo ENERGY DJ and Atati. Nykkyo Energy DJ is the Project from Eduard Franckena. He added quantum techniques with orgonite & agnihotra energy imprinted white noise, nature sounds and brainwaves. The music is 432 hz tuned and aura clearing commands & codes specially made for clearing archons and entities are contained within.